Research Engineer

Annons: 28891866
Yrke: Civilingenjör, teknisk fysik
Arbetsgivare: Institutet för rymdfysik
Arbetets ort: Kiruna, Norrbottens län
Senaste ansökningsdatum: 2024-06-26
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-06-13


Applications are invited for a Research Engineer position for 2 months working on system design of a plasma instrument for the ESA's M-class candidate mission to Mars, M-MATISSE.

The selected candidate will join the research group Solar System Physics and Space Technology (SSPT) at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna. The expected start time is July 1, 2024. Due to short employment time time for intriduction is very limited.

The SSPT group at IRF carries research in the field of space plasma by developing space plasma instruments for lunar and planetary missions, analyzing data obtained from those missions, and performing computer simulations to explore the space environment around solar system bodies.


The tasks include, but not limited to:

  1. Instrument simulation and conceptual design
  2. Calibration facility conceptual design including literature review and market survey.


The applicant is expected to have an MSc (or comparable academic degree) in experimental physics at the time of employment. Experience with laboratory work and ion optics simulations are strong merit.

Additional Links:

M-MATISSE mission and IRF contribution:

For further information please contact:

Associate Professor Yoshifumi Futaana, e-mail:

Trade union representative:

Uwe Raffalski, SACO-S, e-mail:

Stefan Karlsson, ST, e-mail:

Closing date for applications is 26 June 2024.