Professor/Head of Subject of Process Metallurgy

Professor/Head of Subject of Process Metallurgy [OBS denna annons har utgått]

Annons: 28717119
Yrke: Professor
Arbetsgivare: Luleå tekniska universitet
Arbetets ort: Luleå, Norrbottens län
Senaste ansökningsdatum: 2024-06-10
Publiceringsdatum: 2024-04-16


Arbetslivserfarenhet: Professor


Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 1.9 billion per year. We currently have 1,840 employees and 17,670 students. In the coming years, multi-billion investments will be made in large projects in Northern Sweden to create a fossil-free society both nationally and globally. Luleå University of Technology is involved in several of these cutting-edge research projects and in the societal transformation that they entail. We offer a broad range of courses and study programmes to match the skills in demand. We hope that you will help us to build the sustainable companies and societies of the future.

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resource Engineering (CENE) is recruiting a Professor and Head of Subject to continue leading, strengthening, and advancing research in Process Metallurgy. The research is especially, but not exclusively, focused on the early steps in the processing of ore to metal. Present activities in the research subject are focused on the green transition and how it is related to the mineral and metal value chain, research institutes and industrial partners. The research projects in this area have a strong profile in experimental studies using our own advanced lab scale equipment and cutting-edge analytical equipment for element and mineral characterization, thermodynamic modeling as well as field studies all in collaboration with internal and external partners worldwide. 

The position as professor/head of subject also includes an overall responsibility to lead and develop the subject, which comprises research and first-, second- and third-cycle education. The professor/head of subject also has a particular responsibility to ensure the funding of the activities and for contacts with the wider community. An important task is to continue strengthening and develop the research subject where doctoral students, staff and students can progress. The position as professor/head of subject is a permanent position.

Qualified for an appointment as a professor are those who have demonstrated both research and teaching expertise. As much attention must be given to the assessment of teaching expertise as to the assessment of research expertise. In order to meet the requirements for the appointment as professor, the applicants must:

• be prominent within their subject area and demonstrate, within that area, original and innovative scientific activities of high international standard, comprising a complete scientific production equivalent to at least three doctoral theses;
• demonstrate academic leadership through, for example,
• research-related commissions of trust, for instance, as an external expert, an external reviewer or a member of an examining committee,
• management of national or international research projects,
• experience of applying for and being granted, in competition, external funding for research and development projects,
• experience of managerial tasks within academia.

• demonstrate the ability to collaborate with the wider community through, for example,

• dissemination of new knowledge to the wider community,
• incorporation of societal needs into research and/or education contexts.

• have experience of supervising doctoral students and have been the principal supervisor for at least one doctoral student for the entire period from admission to doctoral degree, unless there are special grounds to the contrary;
• have demonstrated teaching expertise.

When recruiting a professor/head of subject, great importance must be attached to leadership skills. Such skills include, for example

• experience of management responsibility, conflict management and staff development;
• self-knowledge and capacity to reflect on their own management experience;
• demonstration of budget responsibility or other financial responsibilities.

Assessment criteria
The following assessment criteria are applied for the position:

• research expertise
• teaching expertise
• ability to lead and develop academia
• other assessment criteria (equally weighted):
• experience in initiating, conducting, and developing productive collaboration with industrial partners and researchers from other disciplines
• documented ability to obtain external research and development funds
• proficiency in development and leadership of activities and staff in academia
• experience in pedagogical development, individually and in the faculty, for both courses and programs, and student recruitment activities
• experience of managerial tasks
• the ability to teach in Swedish and / or in English

In addition, other objective grounds, such as the university’s gender, equality, equity, and diversity goals, shall be taken into account. It is expected that the candidate is able to communicate in Swedish within a 3-year period. Luleå University of Technology offers tailor-made courses to reach an acceptable level of Swedish.

Permanent employment, fulltime. Places in Luleå. For information, contact Senior Lecturer, Head of Division, Andreas Lennartsson, +46 920 49 2379 ore Charlotta Johansson, Head of Department + 46 920 49 3823, Union representatives: SACO-S Kjell Johansson, (+46)920-49 1529, (+46)920-49 or OFR-S Lars Frisk, (+46)920-49 1792

For full ad go to:

We prefer that you apply for the position via the application button below. Along with submitting a brief statement of your research interests, a CV, suggested references, sample(s) of your work and certified copies of your academic certificates, you should include a personal letter motivating your interest in PhD studies. Your application and your academic diploma must be written in Swedish or English. Mark your application with the reference number below.  

Closing date: Juni, 10, 2024
Reference number: 879-2024