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Tillgängliga jobb

Head of Metallurgy & Quality


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Head of Cold steel mill


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2...

Head of Galvanizing line


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Head of Hot steel mill


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Production Manager


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Head of Cold Steel Mill


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At H2...

Head of Galvanizing Line


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Head of Hot Steel Mill


Research shows that women and other under-represented groups within our industry hesitate to apply unless they tick most boxes of a role description. At St...

Hot & Cold Roll Shops Manager till SMS group


Vill du bidra till utvecklingen av en mer hållbar industri och ha en nyckelroll i etableringen av vår verksamhet i Boden? SMS är en global koncern som s...